Friday, September 17, 2010


And I can prove it. In fact, I'm rather proud of the fact. If you're on the AW forum, you probably saw my list. And if you've been on Sparknotes for awhile, you'll also remember the list. But if not, here is my NEW and IMPROVED list of nerdy things about me.

1) Nerdy t-shirts. You betcha.
2)I have pretty much memorized the entire Harry Potter series.
3) I am undefeated in Harry Potter AND LOTR trivia. (But this means the asker has to know the answer to the question, too, or it's unfair.)
4)I have read the HP books over 25 times each.
5) Vlogbrothers. YES.
6)I enjoy Wizard Rock. It wrocks.
7) I know pretty much the entire soundtrack to Hunchback, Mulan, LWL, MAMD, AVPM, AVPS, HSM, Aladdin, Pochahontas, Peter Pan, Annie, WSS, Mamma Mia, Mary Poppins, Phantom, Chicago, and Seussical.
8) I had braces for 5 years.
9) And I've had glasses since 3rd grade.
10) I can connect Harry Potter and the LOTR to absolutely ANYTHING and have been tested on this.
11) I have been in the school library.
12) I enjoy going to the public library.
13) And when I go, I like to write little notes and stick them in the books- Harry Potter, self-help, PostSecret.
14) I check PostSecret every Sunday.
15) I do research outside of school.
16) Freckles.
17) I repeat myself a lot because people don't understand what I'm saying.
18) I don't drink, smoke, take drugs or have sex with random people.
19) My nickname is Hermione.
21) Monty Python and the Holy Grail. <3 "What is the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?"
22) Uhm... Grammar Nazi.
23) I read, on average, a book a day.
24) And I can read several at once, without getting them confused.
25) And I can read upside down.
26)Last, year, for Halloween, I went as Anne Boleyn. The year before, Helen of Troy. This year, I'm going as a Slytherin student, but next year, I'm going as a Plague Doctor.
27) I name things. Name them things like "Galadriel" and "Ithilian."
28) I believe that I own around 250 books, but I kinda lost track and I keep getting more.
29) I reference things no one has ever heard of regularly.
30) Sparklife. <3
31) Uhm... WikiAnswers Floating Supervisor.
32)I am regularly called both a Walking Dictionary and a Walking Encyclopedia.
33) HDM= awesomeness.
34) I have read during recess. This used to be all I did during recess up until about 4th grade.
35) I did a speech on "The Effects of Harry Potter on the World Today" for class.
36) I have a blog.
37) Someone says "Harry Potter" and I almost inevitably involuntarily clap.
28) I can walk and read and not run into anything from years of following my mom around with a book in hand while she did her shopping.
29) People will no longer watch the HP/LOTR movies with me because I always end up yelling at the screen for being incorrect.
30) In first grade, I read at an 11th grade level. No lie.
31) And I read the LOTR for the first time in first grade, too.
32) I correct spelling and grammar on FB.
33) And my FB photo is me holding a giant stack of HP books.
34) I kind of have a giant rubber band ball.
35) I read fan fics.
36) But I hate them.
37) I get into constant arguments over the internet as to why Harry Potter is better than Twilight, an argument that is usually in essay form.
38) I use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar over the internet.
39) I am an environmental freak, I go crazy when people don't throw away their trash, do not recycle, or waste their paper in school.
40) I hate sports.
41) I always prefer the book to the movie, no matter what the case.
42) I play the harp.
43) And I'm president of the Builder's Club at my school.
44) All advanced honors classes that are available.
45) I use extravagantly long/large words just because I can.
46) HPA. <3
47) History's Mistery's, Cities of the Underworld, Antique's Roadshow.
48) I have read the Lord of the Rings books each more than 8 times, the Return of the King more than ten. (Most of the time I just read them repetitively over and over-finish it, restart...)
49) Over 90% of my FB statuses are HP related.
50) AverageWizard contributer, moderator, and commenter.
51) I just came up with all of these of the top of my head. *sigh*

And, now HERE is the original list, without any corrections, additions, or changes. Be wary of doubles. Also, please recall that I posted these when I was 12 and I no longer do all these things.

I have read the Lord of the Rings books each more than 8 times, the Return of the King more than ten. (Most of the time I just read them repetitively over and over-finish it, restart...)
I first read LOTR in first grade. By myself.
I have read the Harry Potter books each more than 10 times as well.
I am always in the middle of listening to a Harry Potter book on tape. Constantly.
The above two things have resulted in me almost constantly quoting HP to everybody I meet.
My favorite Halloween costumes are of obscure historical character.
In second grade, I read at a high-school level. It's true.
One night when I couldn't fall asleep, I decided to learn the alphabet backwards. I can still do it in less than 12 seconds.
I carry a book everywhere I go.
I have an emergency kit in my school backpack that includes a whistle in case I get locked in the changing room. (I also have a kaleidoscope, but that's besides the point.)
I always correct the teachers.
The english teacher had to look up one of the words in my essay to make sure it existed. It did.
I am a professional actress, and yet I'm only 12.
I love to sing songs from musicals. I always dance along. Even at school.
Instead of telling someone to bug off, I'll tell them: "Get you gone, you dwarf, you minimis of hindering knot-grass made, you bead, you acorn!" (Midsummer Night's Dream).
I like to wear costumes to everyday places. (I regularly wear wings to Staples).
The owner of the local coffee shop calls me "smart girl."
People actually call me "the walking dictionary."
I read over 150 books last year; each with over 250 pages.
After reading "A Comedy of Errors" for school, I found myself actually thinking in Shakesperian English.
In almost all photos of me, I'm reading.
The Renaissance Fair is my favorite place in the world.
I am well known for useless tidbits and facts that are worthless to others, but very interesting.
I thoroughly studied the Smithsonian book of Gems and Minerals when I was in Kindergarten.
I wanted to be mummified when I died when I was five, and I decided that i should learn all I could about it so I could give my mom instructions.
I often pretend to be a character from a book in public.
My favorite youtube videos ever have to do with Harry Potter.
When I was in fourth grade, i decided to recopy the dictionary into a notebook so I could have it with me all the time. I stopped at G.
I did eventually get a copy of the dictionary and thesaurus to keep in my purse just in case.
I won the school Scrabble competition in third grade, and I have every year since.
I am more comfortable with adults than kids my age.
My mom has to force me to watch tv.
My favorite sport is reading.
I have never been to a sports game, or have I ever watched one on tv, but I feel like I've seen quidditch thousands of times.
I own a highly edited copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, and two copies of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
I actually read the entire Silmarillion. I do not recommend it.
I won the Theatre Camp talent show two years in a row.
I look up quotes in my spare time- hundreds and hundreds of them. I comprised three books full of them. It took me about three years.
When "IMing", I use semi-perfect grammar and spelling.
Until i was in sixth grade, my favorite music artist was Rimsky-Korsakof. I had never heard of Fergie, Lady Gaga, Lil' Wayne, Kayne West, etc. I still don't like their music.
I have been a vegetarian for three years.
I have been an environmentalist, activist, and feminist almost my entire life.
I have always thought I should have been born during the Renaissance, even though I know it would be hard for me.
The only tv channel I ever watch is History International.
I am a WikiAnswers Supervisor, a Mythbusters Forum Senior Member, and a member of so many different environmental and literary sites, it's scary.
I am obsessed with organizing my USB drive.
My fashion style is somwhat.... eccentric.
I dream about Harry Potter. (And not just Harry Potter; I dream about Harry Potter's dreams. That's weird. And nerdy.)
I read HPDH in six hours straight. My aunt had to take it away and hide it in her safe so that I would stop long enough to eat dinner.
When climbing the escalator at the airport, I fell all the way down it because my carry on bag was too heavy. I had five hardcover books (each 500-700 pgs.) in my bag. I finished them within a few days.
I love Severus Snape. He rocks.
My mom hates sitting next to me on flights. She says random strangers are more companionable that me. I just read the entire flight. We have to keep buying books if we stop somewhere.
I have taught myself to read in the car, even though it makes me sick.
My signature for all my texts is ""
I was nominated as President of our school's setion of the Kiwanis Club, but I declined.
When I was in third grade, the Junior High LA teacher at our school had me read a poem of my own composition to her students. She said they needed some inspiration.
I am unbeatable at LOTR trivial pursuit. I have never been beaten in the seven years we have had the game. Ever.
I wake up in the morning by saying "A Elbereth Githoniel!"
My school uniform skirt is at least five inches longer than it has to be.
I almost always wear knee socks to school. (And I live in the desert.)
I always wear my top button buttoned on my school uniform skirt. I've done this since kindergarten.
The nerdiest boy in my class told me I looked like a librarian with my glasses chain last year.
I have my own wooden sword, inscribed with the words "Friend of Middle Earth" in Dwarvish. I translated it myself.
I have a plaque on my door with the poem of the door at Gringotts on it. (Enter stranger, but take heed...)
I have a plaque on my door that says "Do not enter without the express permission of Regulus Arcturus Black."
I have a sign on my door with an edited version of the poem from the LOTR movie: "The way is shut, it way made by those who are girls, and the girls keep it..."
I know exactly what a real Hand of Glory is and how it's made, but can't remember for the life of me how many players are on each team in soccer.
I love tofu.
And mushrooms. Raw.
I named my new phone Galadriel.
My ipod's name is Ithilien. It's green.
I quote LOTR all the time.
I have glasses, braces, freckles, pale skin, and I'm really short. Typical.
The first fight my best friend and I ever had was whether or not a tuna fish had spikes.
I now love WizardWrock. From a musician's point of view, the songs I have heard are horrendous. The artists have no talent. The lyrics are lame. BUT I JUST LOVE IT! Something about Harry Potter always makes my heart rate speed up and the rational part of my brain freeze up as I scream aloud:


*ahem.* I'm better now.

When the seventh book came out, I cried for an hour because I wasn't allowed to wait in line for the book. I had to go to a rock concert instead, where I was dressed in a Harry Potter costume (because I was allowed to go to the release party for a half an hour). I made a sign that said "Severus Snape is Good! Read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Tomorrow!" As we were driving to the party, I kept screaming "I love Severus Snape!" out the window at random passersby. When we got to the party, I had "Snape Is Good" written in facepaint across my nose. There was a man in an amazing Snape costume there; I am still have certain it WAS actually Snape. I walked up to him and looked up at his face (he was like 6'7''.

I said, "I believe in you, Professor Snape."

He looked down his hooked nose at me and said,"I hope I am worthy of your trust," then twirled around in his long black cloak and strode off. It was totally cool.

And, almost more amazing, we also saw a snowy owl in the middle of downtown Denver on that very night as we were walking to the car.

Oh. Dear. Me.


Xtreme Enigma said...

Uh haha wow this is long! You know a lot of stuff Ma- Celly.

Xtreme Enigma said...

Haha I agree with most of that stuff.I can relate to some of that stuff but im not that..... knowledgeable in lack of a better word. Or maybe dedicated to all of those tings, yeah I like that better.

Xtreme Enigma said...

I know I keep commenting but this is actually pretty awesome, we need to hang out more.

CJ said...

WOW! All I can say is WOW!

Celly said...

Yeah, that is generally the response most people give when they see this. (: