Saturday, October 30, 2010

In which I cry and ask unanswerable questions and fangirl a bit and talk about myself an awful lot.

First off, I would like to state for the Record of Awesomeness that John Green is, well, AWESOME, and has gone up on my list of favorite authors from "Oh-someday-I'd-like-to-read-him" to "OH-MY-ROWLING-WE-HAVE-A-NEW-JRRT-ON-OUR-HANDS." So, yeah.

I began this book at about 3:30 in the afternoon. Around 9:00 at night, I was done. That is (with the appropriate time taken away for dinner, lunch, tea, supper, elevenses, and second breakfast, not to mention "hey-let's-post-about-this-book-we're-reading-on-Facebook" time) approximately 4 or so hours, which is about the time in which I can re-read PoA without skimming.

At 3:30 this afternoon, I was not feeling particularly well, and I was bored, and I was not interested in writing and I was even (*gasp*) bored with listening to DH on tape and watching RotK. I needed a book. And I came home with three: "Looking for Alaska," "Paper Towns," and "An Abundance of Katherines." All by John Green. Great guy, did I mention?

I started LfA in a very witty manner, and felt very proud for about half an hour. If you were to steal my copy of this book (no! please! give it back!) and flip to page 5, and glance at the line "NEVER USE A HIGHLIGHTER IN MY BOOKS," you would find it *snicker* highlighted in yellow. *smirk*

I smiled during this book. I got to around page 30 and I was like, "I LOVE THIS BOOK!" I got to page 90 and I was like, "I STILL LOVE THIS BOOK!" I got to about page 125 and I was like, "Okay, so, what are we counting down to?" And page 139? I knew before they did. And for the whole rest of the book I kind of sobbed my eyes out.

To say that I'm not an emotional person es una mentira, a lie. I am perfectly willing (and able) to cry at the drop of a hat. I can laugh on command. It's a theatre thing. But, I still always win those "let's see who can hold a straight face the longest!" games. Also a theatre thing. Books that make me laugh are on my list of favorites. Books that make me cry are my favorites. The imaginary "cry" shelf has three books on it: Deathly Hallows, Mockingjay, Looking for Alaska. The "crying for hours straight" shelf has Only One.

LfA is one of the books I have read that has changed my perception on life and death. It is also one of two books I have actually written a blog post about (although HP and the LotR show up so often, they kind of count): this, and "I Am the Messenger."

I suggest you read it, so I'll try not to spoil. (By the way, SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE BUT ONLY BECAUSE HE TOLD HIM TO.)

The idea of the last words of famous people intruiges me. It's not a subject I've ever thoguht much about, but now I'm really curious about them. "When in doubt, go to the library!" So, FOR GONDOOORRR! Except for the fact that the library's closed.

I wrote this in my DH book, and I'll say it here, too: "If I were to underline every awesome thing in this book, every moving passage and applicable, beautiful word, the whole book'd be underlined."

One passage that I really loved is, and I quote:

"...This is the hope that I wish I could have given her. Forgetting her mother, failing her mother and her friends and herself- those are awful things, but she did not need to fold into herself and self-destruct. Those awful things are survivable, because we ARE as indestructable as we believe ourselves to be. When adults say, 'Teenagers think they are invincible' with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We never need to be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we ARE. We cannot be born, and we cannpot die. Like energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and falling. But that part of us is greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so cannot fail. So I know she forgives me, just as I forgive her. Thomas Edison's last words were: 'It's very beautiful over there.' I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful."

And now I have a question for you, whoever YOU are, whatever YOU are, if you even ARE at all:

How will you ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blogging Dr. Who- Episode 2: The End of the World (cont.)

Yay, I can watch 58 more minutes now! Wheee!

Okay... last I saw was the weird Dementor thingy in the duct, hiding from Ms. Blueberry.

Watching stuff I've already seen... boring... whatever... I LOVE THEIR FREAKING ACCENTS.

Okay, red light... YOU'RE IN TROUBLE.

There's hundreds of them! Oh, my gosh, she's sucked in!

Oh no, Mr. Blueberry has one and it's going to eat him!

It's climbing up the wall...

She has one, too! GET RID OF IT.

What are they doing to TARDIS. Oh, they're blue, too. Coolio. Little blueberry children. I want a note like that that says "Have a nice day."

"They're just so alien. The aliens. They're just so alien."

Yeah, you stand up to him, Rose. TELL HIM LOSER.

"We're out of range." Really? You think so? Huh.

Mr. Blueberry has a pretty weird suit.

It's on the wall again!

I knew those Dementors were evil. I KNEW IT. Dementors aren't nice, you know.

Nice coffee cup.

Oh, veeerrryyy evil. Everyone's going to DIE.

That's some pretty spectacular earth death.

For 5 million years in the future, that looks pretty old, doesn't it.

Oh, so he was on the Titanic. That's neat.

Wait, the thingy was just wearing makeup. It wasn't and then it was and then it wasn't.

I agree, she does look like a bitchy trampoline.

It's the furry dementors again.

Stop flirting, tree and Doctor.

So where the hell is he from? And what happened to it?

Okay, Rose, don't get yourself eaten by fuzzy dementors.

Or, you know, whacked over the head and then dragged off.

Hurry up, this is getting dull.


Sabotage. Really? Thanks.

Did Rose get raped by dementors? No, she's just dying on the stairs, that's all. Okay.



The spider devices. Dementors.

The steward is dead? GASP.

Talk to the face. Haha.

Dementi-whatsits. They belong to the dementi-whatsits.

That's all very well, and really kind of obvious. Yes, it was kind of obvious, WASN'T IT.

Did he just call it Jim-Bob?

I KNEW THE SHEEP SKIN WAS EVIL. Moisturize her. With acid.

"Spiders, activate!" I may run around shouting that all day.

Yeah, just chill!

Well, obviously the switch is after the fans.

Time Lord? Cool. That's quite a title.

I like the tree. She's awesome. NOW HURRY DOCTAH.

Doctor! I told you! Everyone's dying! And she's on fire! GO GO GO!

Duck under it. LIMBO DOCTAH LIMBO!

LIMBO I TOLD YOU. Don't get all epic on me.

Sweeeeettttt. Earth's gone and everyone survives. I *never* expected that.

Well, everyone except the tree lady?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You deserved it, sheep skin. Do moisturize her. With acid.

Or let her explode, y'no. That's cool too.

Flashback, love? Or did we just go back in time?

Well, ain't you negative.

Sorry. Rocks and dust can be cool, too...

Oh, way to kill the suspense. We should have heard all this in like, 8 episodes.

Don't leave Dr. Time Lord sir person.


Episode over.

Coming next.

Green light. 1860? Cool.

Who's dead?

Not dead. Sleeping.

The undead, awesome.

She's pretty.

She's scary and blue.

Blue tunnel.



I want this soundtrack.


Blogging Dr. Who- Episode 2: The End of the World

I'm watching Dr. Who for the first time. *protego* NERDFIGHTERS AND AWERS, DON'T KILL ME!

I was going to do this for the first episode, Rose, but I forgot. So, here's my stupid, annoying comments while I watch the second episode. And yes, I am shouting these at my computer in real life. And this is why people don't watch movies with me. Wanna watch it with me anyways?,44.0.html

Give it a go. Thanks, Nicole!


Scenes from the first episode. Awesome. Spy music. I think I've seen this before?

We're going forwards in time! EPIC. Everything's so... green.

The new Roman Empire? Ooh, I wanna hear about that.

Red light! Awesome.

Green again.

You're in for disappointment, girl, I know it. Juuuuust wait.

Oooh, it looks modern. I wonder why.


The sun expands?!

Blue light. TARDIS. Tunnel. Red light. Credits. I love credits.

No religion, teleportation, or weapons. Sounds good to me. I'll just deposit my sword, idols, and wand over here in the corner.

"He's blue." Really? I hadn't noticed. I will call him Mr. Blueberry.

The Doctor's smile is pretty funny. It makes me smile.

Oh, he's getting all close with a tree.

Haha, I like his voice. And she has spit in her eye, haha.


"Ladies and gentleman and trees and multiforms..."

The last human? More like sheep skin. But whatever, I guess to each her own.

What are the dementors doing? Hm?

And white dementors in the back...

Tree lady's texting.

Oh no she's not nevermind.

What are those thingies that the dementors gave out? Creepy.

Ms. Blueberry. What's she doing. And why talk and then ask for permission to talk?

"I just sort of hitched a lift with this man." Oh, that sounds safe.


Daaaannngggg. I've watched 58 minutes of video, and now I have to wait 54 more before I can continue. I'll publish this and then come back and write again in a bit.