Friday, March 19, 2010

Bullies on the cyber-Playground.

Again, two posts in a day. Wow.

I despise and love Facebook. It seems that I am the brunt of many jokes in the FB community. One boy in particular is a real prat.

He keeps making mean, sarcastic comments and saying I smell books before I read them and saying that I am oddly obsessed with the LOTR and Harry Potter.

I really want to curse at him, but I know that that is probably unadvisable, so I just called him a prat, and foul, insolent little cockroach, and a narcissistic loser with a selfish attitude who thrives of the unhappiness of others and is hardly human at all, and is unworthy to even type Frodo Baggins' name.

I told him to "get you gone, you minimus of hindering knot grass make, you bead, you acorn!" (As said in Midsummer Night's Dream). If he bothers me again, I'm planning on saying, "thou filthy maypole, I am not yet so low as to sink mine fingers into thine eyes," calling him a insolent little toe rag, and maybe even a "ministry loving, family disowning, power hungry moron," as said by Percy Weasley.

I can't wait for high school and college.

1 comment:

luyf;u said...

Unfriend him. He isn't worth your time or attention. Also, I smell books, especially old books. They smell good. And there's NOTHING wrong with being obsessed with LoTR and Harry Potter- they are AWESOME works of literature. What's not to be obsessed with? Oh and call him a saucey lackey too- oh, and waggish. I <3 Shakespearian insults!