Friday, April 23, 2010

Harry Potter Poem.

I promised you this poem a loooong time ago, and here it is.


A tall man approaches, thin, lean.
Dark hair, greasy, shoulder length.
Long black cloak floating in the wind
As he stalks past the bookstore windows.
Severus Snape?

A short little girl scampers up, nervous, excited.
Curled hair, bouncy.
Beautiful silk purple dress robes swishing
As she giggles excitedly and bounds towards the man.

The electric lights of the bookstore flicker.
Buzz of excited Harry Potter fans fills the air.
A cold wind swooshes through the alley,
Fluttering posters and bringing aromatic scents:

The tang of ink and the glue that binds books.
Pine scent of hot, red, sealing wax.
Sweet, smooth smell of tea and coffee, highly sweetened.
Addicting, enticing aroma of slightly melted chocolate
Mixed with the light, rough whisper of wood shavings
From the wand stand.

Face uplifted, eager, crusty with face paint scrawling out
“Snape is Good.”
Face down turned. Calm, collected, pale. Severus’ doppelganger.
Sneering, raised eyebrow.

The girl mutters, voice squeaking,
“I believe in you, Professor Snape!”
The slow measured voice responds.
“I hope I am worthy of your trust,”
As he glides away, black cloak fluttering,
Bat like.

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