Saturday, July 31, 2010

An Introduction to and an Obsession with AVPM.

So, for those of you who aren’t aware of this fact, A Very Potter Sequel comes out tonight. Actually, by the time I post this, it’ll probably have already come out. Which is TOTALLY AWESOME! I bet some of my non-existent readers are right now saying, “But Celly. Did you just say A Very Potter Sequel? “ And others of you are saying “A Very whatsa-WHOSITS? And to that my response is, “Who’s Celly?” Oh yeah, right. I’m Celly. Anyway, A Very Potter Sequel (AVPS) is the sequel to A Very Potter Musical (AVPM) which is a fan made, parody musical of Harry Potter that was made by some students at University of Michigan. And it’s really, really quotable. So, if I say anything that doesn’t make any sense to you, it’s probably from AVPM- or soon, from AVPS.

Since the Harry Potter series has kind of come to an end (although I’ll be the first to say that Harry Potter will only truly be gone when none here are loyal to him), we’re all looking for something to keep up the Harry Potter spirit- DH part 1, WWoHP, and AVPM. It’s really, really cool! I love it so much.

So, AVPS premiering on YouTube today is a huge deal. I naturally prepared in the way I would for any Harry Potter related event- I listened to some of the books on tape, I put on my homemade Harry Potter shirt (Slytherin Pride/ Not All of Us Are Evil), got out my time turner, made a necklace in Slytherin colors, made a necklace that says “Harry Potter” on it, made Harry Potter medallion necklaces kind of like the ones on MuggleNet crafts, made a cork Nargle repelling necklace, watched one of the movies (HBP), listened to the soundtrack of AVPM all day, sang along really annoyingly all day, wrote “I must not tell lies” on my hand, drew Draco’s homemade Dark Mark on my arm, painted my fingernails green (I had no silver), and made two new AVPM related shirts- “Dumbledore? Pfft. What an old coot. He’s nothing compared to RUMBLEROAR/ He’s a lion, who can talk.” And “You think killing people will make them like you, but it doesn’t. It just makes people dead/ Okay is WONDERFUL, Quirrel!” I commented on Average Wizard, wrote stories for Average Wizard, changed my Facebook status, commented on StarkidPotter’s wall, screamed about it to all my friends, changed the signature on my cell phone from “Luna Lovegood” to “Starkid Potter,” retitled all the programs on my laptop with Harry Potter n ames, and was generally totally awesome… and annoying. I’m kind of like that all the time, really.
NOTE: So, AVPS came out a couple days ago, and I saw it, and it was AMAZING, but I didn’t have enough time on the internet to post this beforehand, so I’m going to post it as soon as I get internet, even though it is way after the release date.

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