Friday, July 23, 2010

Car trip, part 1.

Back on the road again. I’m typing this in Word because it’s kind of hard to get WiFi connection in the car, and even when you do get it, there really isn’t enough time to type a whole blog post. But I can still type- or at least until the battery dies out. So you can get semi-constant updates on everything that’s going on in the cramped backseat of our Honda Oddyssey van. It’ll be like your own mini family vacation! Yay!
We’re hardly out of the driveway, and already we’ve stopped 3 times.
My dad’s tone in quickly mounting to something near shouting range. It won’t be long before we get the typical full flung argument where no one can storm off or go cool off or anything, because, we’re stuck here! I’m trying to avoid the inevitable argument by putting my headphones in and generally ignoring all warning signs. And using my laptop, of course.
Mom’s phone rings- again. Would it be possible for her to put text messages as vibrate, or do they have to make that annoying noise every time her friend says “Okay good?”
And- oh hey, what are the odds? We’re stopping again.
Just came back from a giant super grocery store – I won’t say the name, in case they’re only located near where I live. We’re equipped with snacks – the usual stuff, like a box of Oreos (unfortunately, we couldn’t FIND DoubleStuffs, since we’re not Hufflepuffs, so I’ll have to be content with shouting “Accio non-DoubleStuffs!” or something) Chex Mix (Traditional), a gallon of orange juice, pineapple squares, and 6 bell peppers. What do you mean, you don’t eat whole, raw bell peppers when you’re driving most of the day? Crazy people. You should try it sometime, they’re delicious in the car, don’t leave a lot of mess, and are healthy, and crunchy! I just finished a red one, in fact. Yum.
Anyways, I have a headache. A really bad one. And I don’t really want to do anything right now but just stare at the road in a lethargic state until my brain comes back. I might do just that in a minute, in fact. Either way, I’m not really up to listening to the whole soundtrack of AVPM, which is what I really wanted to do. *sigh*
Oh, lookit! My parents are fighting. Again, what are the odds? And we still haven’t left town yet. They’re ignoring each other now, which is kind of hard when one’s navigating and the other’s driving.
I’ll probably try to read a little, even though I get sick when I read in the car. I always do, anyways. And then I’ll eat, even though I’m not hungry, and maybe sleep, and then stare out the window with my headphones in but no music playing for the rest of the afternoon. Hooray for car trips! At least tonight I’ll get to watch AVPS from my aunt’s studio late tonight. Well, I’m really not supposed to watch the whole thing, because I’m supposed to get some sleep, but I’m going to anyways, even if I have to stay up all night. And I mean all night. Anyways, goodbye! Don’t make any loud noises, please!

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