Friday, September 10, 2010


So... it's Friday night, and you know what that means!

Disney movies!

I'm sitting here on the couch, watching Mulan, and cracking up at every random moment.

"I have a name... and it's a BOY's name, too..."

Alternatively, I'm sobbing at every random moment. And singing.

I am so going to by the soundtrack when the movie's over. Especially "Make a Man Out of You," which I've been singing for years anyways.

Disney is amazing, and so is Mulan. People don't understand how cool these movies are. They're funny, and really well animated, and have great, catchy music. And there's Mooshu. He's adorable. And a DRAGON. I think I laughed harder in the past hour than I have in weeks. Also, the Captain's adorable.

Go. Watch Mulan. RIGHT NOW. You heard me- shoo!

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