OHAI. Are you still here?
Well, if you’re going to stick around, you may as well climb off that soap box. This is MY blog, remember? I’m the one who rants around here. Well, not really rants, but talks to herself. Isn’t that right, my precious? Yess, my precious. We will kill the fat little hobbit and take it back. *Gollum. Gollum.* *ehem* Anyways…
Since, as I have no doubt mentioned before, I don’t have many real life friends who I talk to on a regular basis, I find myself going more and more frequently into chat rooms and the like. This is no doubt unhealthy, and I’m exposed to a lot of trash, but, truthfully, didn’t I know about it all already? I grew up in the world, after all, not some little McMansion in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nannies and babysitters and instructors and tutors and the like, as were most of the students at my privileged private school.
But back to chat rooms.
A large percentage of the people who frequent chatrooms are desperate, annoying, almost illiterate jerks who can’t put four words together. Almost all the rest want to roleplay or give people advice. The very smallest percentage are people who can actually communicate and want to chat. I like to think I’m part of this group. This makes chatting rather dull. Conversations usually go something along the lines of these:
Other: asl [Note: This stands for age, sex, location. ]
Me: 14.female.Middle Earth
Other: …
Other: hi
Me: Hey.
Other: wats up
Me: Oh, just chatting with a complete stranger who just asked me what’s up.
Other: …
Other: can i spank you
Me: Only if you don’t mind me calling the authorities and getting a restraining order against you for harassment.
Other: ….
Other: wanna chat
Me: If I didn’t, would I be in a chatroom?
Other: haha yeah I guess
Me: So….
(some time passes)
Me: What’s your favorite flavor of jam?
Other: ….
Other: you’re an ugly little ****
Me: Really? I didn’t know.
Me: Funny how this gets away from me sometimes.
Me: How did you find out?
Me: Are you stalking me?
Me: Creep!
Other: (goes off on another long rant full of curses)
Me: Get you gone, you minumus of hindering knotgrass made!
Other: (more swearing)
Me: Thou painted maypole, I am not yet so low as to sink mine fingers unto thine eyes.
Other: (more swearing)
Me: Avada Kedavra.
But sometimes, very occasionally, I come across some people actually worth carrying on a conversation with. And most of those people are reading this right now. <3
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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Those chat dialogues are aweful! I was asked to visit a blog and leave a comment for their school project. I could hardly understand it with all the "text language" and grammer mistakes. I asked myself..."Am I getting old, or can't the younger generation write?" Then I found your blog and it gave me back my faith in the younger generation ;}
Are your new friend on Facebook? You could chat with them!
Oh, I know! txt spk iz diff 2 undrstnd, amirite?
Lots of my new friends are on Facebook, but I published this before I met all of those people, so...
Yaay! I feel special :)
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